Golf Outing

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The Nordonia Schools Foundation is proud to present the 26 th annual Charity Golf Outing, hosted by Ellsworth Meadows Golf Club in Hudson, Ohio on June 7 th, 2025. This is our only fundraiser and provides support for Foundation programs. Proceeds from the event will support graduating senior scholarships, staff mini-grants to further enrich student education, travel opportunities both locally and globally for students, our Knights Caring for Knights backpack program, and so much more.

The Nordonia Schools Foundation was founded in 1995 at the request of the School Board to provide funds to enhance the education of Nordonia Hills students. We are celebrating our 30th year in 2025. The Nordonia Schools Foundation is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization that operates independently of the Board of Education. It is governed by a volunteer Board of Trustees made up of business, education, parents, alumni, student and community leaders. Over the past 20+ years, the Foundation has been able to award over half a million dollars to students and staff of Nordonia through grants and scholarships. Just last year, the Foundation was able to award $8000 in mini-grants to teachers and staff and over $22,000 in scholarship funds to graduating seniors.

The Foundation requests that you please consider making a donation to help further support our mission. Monetary donations as well as sponsorships for the outing are welcome and are included on our outing flyer. We are also in need of items such as gift cards, gift baskets, and items for use in our Basket Raffle if your business is able to donate. Please contact Jolynn McFerren with any questions.

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